Spring from the Archives

Spring is here and Sylvia is finally back online!

To celebrate, I’ve put together a set of pieces for Spring from the archives for you to enjoy.

A Good Enough Garden by Sherry Shahan

“~ Atlee Burpee & Co. says it’s sold more seed in 2020 than any other time in its 144-year history ~

A month into seclusion, a Honey Gold potato in a basket on my        kitchen counter began to sprout. The eyes grew thick, leafy lashes. What to do? There’s little room in my diminutive yard to cultivate any type of vegetation.

An industrial-strength Hefty bag became a planter ‘tower,’ set inside a large cardboard box for stability. I placed the sprouting eyes cut side down, about twelve inches apart, in six inches of soil. Dark green leaves poked up in a few days. I covered the fragile stalks with mulch and drizzled them with water.”

Read the rest here.

Impatience by Kimberli Wong

Would you ask
The river

To run faster—

Read the rest here.

Rambling by Kim Whysall-Hammond

“Long ago I planted roses
honeysuckle and a vine
to grow along a brand new fence.
Now the vine scrambles far and wide
with all twined with honeysuckle
that scents the air as it
wrestles writhing heavy pink roses
which are
so well-thorned they may defy pruning.”

Read the rest here.

California by Mina Humiston

ancient and deep-green forests,
with trees taller than Goliath
and older than Methuselah

Read the rest here.

Quilt (Lamium Purpureum) by Gabriella Brand

“Under the magnolia tree,(a gazebo of thick pink petals)

we find a plummy crimson quilt of tiny blooms.

At first, the children and I are puzzled.

Magnolia babies, says one. Clover, guesses another.”

Read the rest here.

Daffodil Ghosts by Marc A. Criley

“Someone’s coming!”

A car pulls off the road. The couple gets out and hops the ditch. They start snapping photos of the daffodils overrunning our overgrown front yard, pausing at each yellow patch.

Read the rest here.

Dreams of Spring by Jen Downes

“Now every leaf is falling fast,

The woods ablaze with gold and flame,

More beauteous at the death than in

Those splendid days when

Blossom turned to greet spring’s sun

Without a thought of summer,

Much less of fall.”

Read the rest here.

Bluebells by Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon

Your deep blues illume May’s season,
foiled by woodland glades, sunshafted.
Your bright bells demand I listen,
shaded curls unfurl, sigh laughter.

Read the rest here.

Shock in the Wind by R.T. Castleberry

“May morning wind blows straight through
apartment alleys, sleeper’s streets.
Mud from the weekend dries
in the grass, on the sidewalks.”

Read the rest here.

Sylvia will be bringing you lots of new literature soon. Look out for announcements of a new submission window! If you would like to be emailed about this, please sign up here.

Happy Spring Equinox!

Millie Kidson
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